Utc time conversion chart
Utc time conversion chart

utc time conversion chart

By 1855, most public clocks in Britain were set to GMT, although some had two minute hands, one for local time and one for GMT. A railway adopted the time in 1840 and by 1847 most used it. They forced the uniform time on the country. The railways cared most about the inconsistencies of local time. Great Britain became the first country to set a standard time throughout a region when it established the Greenwich Mean Time standard in the 1840s. Every city was on a slightly different time. Cities had town clocks, which would be set by measuring the position of the Sun. Sundials were the main source of time information into the Middle Ages. It is noon when the Sun is highest in the sky. What is Greenwich Mean Time? For thousands of years, people have measured time based on the position of the Sun. Daylight Savings Time (DST) also can confuse dates, since the local standard time is advanced one hour for DST. A world map can help you picture the International Date Line time and see when a date conversion is needed. How do I convert dates? In converting times, you must pay attention to the correct date as the time crosses midnight or the International Date Line. After noon, add 12 to the hour to convert to military time. becomes 1300 in military time and 11:00 p.m. To avoid further confusion between morning and afternoon times - a.m. How can I avoid the international confusion over time? Use coordinated universal time (UTC). In the fall of the year, we set our timepieces back.Americans say, "spring ahead" or "spring forward." In many places in the spring of the year, we set our clocks ahead one hour.So, we have to adjust our local clocks and watches accordingly.

utc time conversion chart

The time 2400 refers to the day ending while the time 0000 refers to the day starting.ĭoes UTC change with the seasons? No, it doesn't change, but we change our habits. Use the chart below to convert local times to and from universal time. The five time zones in the mainland United States roughly follow those longitude lines. Progressing around the globe from the meridian, time changes one hour with each change of 15 degrees in longitude. Their clock is almost perfectly constant because of the accuracy and stability of its atomic standard.Ĭoordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the time at Earth's zero or reference meridian, which is located on the globe at Greenwich, England. Most time synchronization needs are met by the UTC time scale broadcast by NIST radio stations WWV and WWVH. The Greenwich time standard was established in the 1840s and old habits die hard, so many people still refer to UTC as GMT. Space Today Online - Solar System Planet Earth - Angkor SPACE TODAY ONLINE C OVERING S PACE FROM E ARTH TO THE E DGE OF THE U NIVERSEĬoordinated Universal Time ( UTC) is the modern implementation of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Utc time conversion chart